Contact Us

Tel: +27 (0)11 662 2575 • Fax: +27 (0)11 662 2554 • Email:
Office 1 & 2, Ground floor, Featherbrooke Business Park, Cnr Falls Road & Riviera Lane, Featherbrooke, South Africa

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Serving wealthy families with pride since 1999

Authorised Financial Services Providers

Serving wealthy families with pride since 1999

Authorised Financial Services Providers

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Excalibur Wealth Excalibur Wealth

A fiercely independent investment advisory and financial planning business, established in 1999, targeting the high net worth market. Highly regarded and respected by both major institutions and clients, for its strong values driven culture and track record of always acting in the best interests of clients. The firm has a staff complement of 10, with a wealth advisory team of 7, 6 of whom hold the highly sought after CFP® designation. A forward looking company, which is preparing itself for the next growth phase and a changing financial services landscape.

Excalibur Portfolio Managers Excalibur Portfolio Managers

Excalibur Portfolio Managers provides superior advice-led investment solutions carefully designed to be best aligned to the advice process of its sister company, Excalibur Wealth. The range of 7 local and offshore funds on offer comprises advice-driven portfolios focused on achieving defined financial planning outcomes.

Contact Us Contact Us

Tel: +27 (0)11 662 2575 • Fax: +27 (0)11 662 2554 • Email:
Office 1 & 2, Ground floor, Featherbrooke Business Park, Cnr Falls Road & Riviera Lane, Featherbrooke, South Africa